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Sticks, twigs, bits of paper, bits of me
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   Monday, December 04, 2006
Lovers' moon through bare trees, Christmas lights that always surprise me as if I'd never seen them before. I'm trying to soak it all in, just as I did Sunday's service and the party with friends because Christmas in Australia is nothing the same. It's not just the weather because it may well be 50 degrees and raining on Christmas Day. Even summer can't be counted on to stay summer that far south. It doesn't turn dark until 10 p.m. so hardly anyone bothers with lights (though many people in Florida do). Christmas simply isn't that big a deal there. For most, it's gifts for kids and a big meal and the start of summer holidays (vacation) immediately after.

I suppose I should say that's a good thing, and it is. When I lived there, I enjoyed most caroling in the hospitals and the carol sings put on by local councils in the parks. You can count on it to be hot any day one of those is on. Once we went to the huge program down near the Yarra which actually started late enough to continue after dark. I like sixpences in the Christmas pudding and that everyone wears the crown from the crackers. But it's a time you're so aware that you're not at home, so, at times, I'd go to the most "American" shopping center in the city just to see the decorations.